Archiv der Kategorie: politics

BGR.rad – Radio Play on actual Radio (air play)

UPDATE You can now listen to the whole show right here and now… enjoy

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Well my friends (and foes, if only I had some), the time has come and my Radio Play about radiation will finally art over actual radio waves on Friday the 15th of April. This seems fitting since it is about war (particularly in Ukraine), nuclear radiation, nuclear war and paranoia (proliferated over radio waves). And pardon me for playing Cassandra but the thing backdates to 2015, when I was just a fear mongering paranoic with too many drugs in my system. I would have preferred to remain wrong and crazy but it seems history has caught up with me and my reality and decided to become even crazier than I was back then.

Photo by Sulamith Sallmann: France, Normandy, Flamanville, August 2015

So happy listening to DJ Richard Sylvarnes and him donating his whole show to my play. It might have some uncomfortable side effects though, like hair loss, vomiting, disorientation, and a general despair and total loss of hope in humanity. Listener discretion is advised.

“Identity” I-III – new xerography

Identification, the service of identifying, certifying Identity that is, remains one of the fiercest battles being fought within this modern day internet. As Google, facebook, Yahoo, Apple and others strive to collect this prize, this Holy Grail, this remedy for that dangerous sickness that is anonymity, they use all the dirty tricks within the repertoire of modern day market street fight. Anonymity was one of the strongest arguments for and one of the most powerful motors of the evolution of modern means of communication. And it has always been a thorn in the side of potentates, structures and autocratic systems. Anonymity is the sworn enemy of power and the natural ally of freedom. And as our features are being scanned and stored in databases, correlated with our habits, needs and darkest secrets, we may loose a quintessential feature of our humanity, our real identity as humans, what Martin Luther meant when he wrote his famous song “Die Gedanken sind frei”:

“Thoughts are free, who can guess them?
They fly by like nocturnal shadows.
No man can know them, no hunter can shoot them
with powder and lead: Thoughts are free!”

photo copy art

“Rot.Freq – for Hedy Lamarr (Identity III)”, xerography, 2017, DIN A4

photo copy art

“An eye for an ID (Identity II)”, xerography, 2017, DIN A4

photo copy art

“Handshake (Identity I)”, xerography, 2017, DIN A4

As Elizabeth I. of England famously put it, she had no “…desire to make windows into men’s souls”; well now we do.

“her_face” continued – a sad story II

Amber Rayne was a no limits girl / woman in all respects. In her short life she became a porn star (as actor, producer and director), a drug addict, a rape victim and a cancer survivor (of 2 types mind you).  Born in 1984, she acted in 472 flicks and after finally making it to the big screen died 2015 of an accidental drug overdose through the consumption of a combination of cocaine and alcohol.

Amber_HF_013 porn art

“Amber (her_face_013)”, glitch 4rd°, 1200x881px, 2017

“Amber (her_face_013)” is part of the series “her_face dealing with the depiction of the female face or its omission for that matter in modern day web pornography.

Exhibition “WERTE_GEMEINSCHAFT” @ Galerie Schwartzsche Villa / Berlin

I am happy to invite you to my next exhibition / participation: “WERTE_GEMEINSCHAFT” @ Galerie Schwartzsche Villa / Berlin, opening Tuesday 21st of March 2017

invitation to exhibition “WERTE_GEMEINSCHAFT” in Berlin

Invitation / Einladung “Wertegemeinschaft” [PDF]

Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung


am Dienstag, den 21. März 2017 um 19 Uhr
laden wir Sie und Ihre Freunde herzlich ein.


Frank Mückisch – Stadtrat für Bildung, Kultur, Sport und Soziales
Doris Fürstenberg – Leiterin des Fachbereichs Kultur


Jennifer Graubener – wissenschaftliche Volontärin der Schwartzschen Villa
Adam Gusowski, Club der Polnischen Versager – Satirische Anmerkungen zur Wertegemeinschaft

Galerie Schwartzsche Villa
Grunewaldstraße 55
12165 Berlin-Steglitz
Geöffnet 22. März bis 11. Juni 2017
Di-So 10-18 Uhr | Eintritt frei

Filmvorführung Dienstag, 16. Mai, 19 Uhr
„Beyond Boundaries – Brezmejno“
Der Regisseur Peter Zach ist anwesend.
Eintritt: 5 € (3 €)

Führungen Mittwoch, 29. März, 26. April und 17. Mai
jeweils 17 Uhr, Eintritt frei

Heike Franziska Bartsch | Sibylle Brühn | Ulrich Buge | Aenne Burghardt | Tobias Deicke | Ines Doleschal | Ola Eibl | Enkidu rankX | Karin Felbermayr | Nuria García García | Wolf Klein | Karoline Koeppel | Rachel Kohn | Kopi Kaputa | Regine Kuschke | Thomas Lucker | Christoph Medicus | Aaron Rahe | Ute Richter | Ingeborg Sambeth | Michi Schneider | Hans-Christian Tappe | Jürgen Tenz | Frans van Tartwijk | Maria Vill & David Mannstein | Insa Wagner | Horst Zeitler | Martin Zellerhoff | Juliane Zelwies

Doves (DOGS XII)


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“Doves (DOGS XII)” deals with an estranged couple, either one part of it, unable to go on yet at the same time unable to leave. The romantic notion of everlasting faith and loyalty symbolized by the doves has become an unbearable annoyance.

Doves also relates to a very peculiar setting that is the Berliner Hinterhof (Berlin backyard) which can be a challenge of its own. Finally it is, like the other videos in the series a meditation on the human condition, the complexity of human interaction and the desire to overcome solitude – a desire so often left unfulfilled. Finally it is a nod to Prince obviously and one of his favourite songs of mine “When Doves Cry”.

The music to this video was contributed by KAISAR:

“Death of a cousin and other (slightly less morbid) pieces”


Klaus Killisch: guitar
Richard Sylvarnes: textures
Enkidu rankX: synthetics

“Tomcat” is the twelfth part of a series of video-art shorts called DOGS specially dealing in relational miscommunication and the effect of technology on the human condition in general. The title DOGS refers to our animal instincts and emotions that, when suppressed, tend to erupt in an uncontrolled fashion. This again often results in war, violence, hatred and misanthropy / misogyny. The series tries to uncover what should remain hidden – those things we better not say or show…

New stuff on the Way – I hope

In light of the production of my new radio play, I have a collaborative call to action. Respond if you like…


In wake of #Germanwings flight #4U9525 crash I was baffled, as many, with the way modern day mass media dealt with the issue of depicting something that is not depictable. Besides the crash site in those remote mountains there is actually nothing to see. This catastrophe happens inside our heads, with no means for us to exorcise it by means of monotonous repetition of images as seen during 9/11. Here, we just have a result but no actual event. Even more so, that the main switch was flicked inside the brain of the 2nd pilot. There is no way whatsoever we will get inside his or any other human brain for that matter. This will always remain a mystery.

anonymise me I

anonymise me I (2015)

anonymise me I

anonymise me II (2015)

anonymise me III

anonymise me III (2015)

A clear need seems to be to show the man’s face, as if it could help us to understand his motives, his personality, his soul. Yet in some cases journalistic requirements breed strange results. How to show someone without showing him…

Holy connection, look who’s hanging out…


“connect”, 1200x1200px, 2014

This is an homage of some sort to one of the most important contemporary artists there is: Banksy. I appreciate his impetus and his work and since there is no way of contacting him since nobody knows who he is, this is my feedback… I don’t know how to spray things but if you know how, go ahead, there is no copy-anything on this one.

Finalizing DOGS – Roxy (DOGS IX)

The Series DOGS is nearing it’s end. I originally intended to produce between 9 and 12 of these film so in uploading part IX of the series I kinda minimally realized my plan. Still want to close the series with the three remaining films but this seems to be a major chunk of it. Don’t miss the series a a whole, as it was intended to be seen here >>


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“Roxy (DOGS IX) is based on a performance by Roxy Raye. The soundtrack was contributed by MK_ultra and can be found on the album “mono étude en dix parties”. It is the ninth film of a series specially dealing in relational miscommunication called DOGS.