cardhead – feed my obsession, 2011
cardhead – feed my obsession, 2011, styro, cardreader, creditcard
DIY liquidator, 2011
DIY Liquidator, 2011, lead, action figure, cord
FADING – Installation in der Galerie Pankow
Die Installation “FADING” wurde im Rahmen der Ausstellung “Joachim John – Der Zeichner” in der Galerie Pankow gezeigt.
El Caballero de la Triste Figura
(PureData / Gem)
Don Quijote is a PureData [pd] experiment that deals with a certain quality of human computer interfacing: that of sympathising with “the other” even though ‘he’ or ‘she’. is not real at all. Though only reactive to movement, the persona of the computer is felt as a presence, mainly because of movements of the pupil and the algorithms for the movement of the eyes themselves. This installation is fully real-time interactive and works in normal light in any room or gallery – but also in a darkened room with a flashlight.
Don Quijote from Enkidu rankX on Vimeo.
Don Quijote uses [pd], GEM, boids, computer vision and a webcam. It has been shown at the “Lange Nacht der Mussen 2010” in the “Willhelm-Hack-Museum” in Ludwigshafen.