„Her_face“ is a series of glitch art prints that deal with the depiction of the female face or its omission for that matter in modern day web pornography.
There is a distinct look expected of women in pornography. It is a devoted, slightly suffering and always pointed upward to the man. In this particular instance, the featured look is slightly to serene, too self sufficient to be acceptable to the macho man that is the porn stallion. It was the first image of my glitch art porn series “her_face” and inspired the whole thing.
“my_dear_heaven” is a part of my post privacy glitch porn art series “her_face”. In this instance, the source material was actually a transvestite / transsexual / transgender male in beautiful agony.
Glitch art has been around for some time now, just think about Cage, Paik or even before that Dada in a sense. But with the advent of digital media, the glitch aesthetic has changed, absorbing new errors, failures and bugs. Now a distinct term in either electronic music, digital art, video art and even poetry, the glitch has arrived in main stream media for better or worse. There is a growing community sharing source materiel, techniques and know how, a new art form is emerging and it is vibrant.
Many cultural complexes have been altered permanently with the advent of digital technology but nothing parallels the rise of everyday pornography. Ubiquitous, it now is accessible to everyone at any time any place. The pornographic content that is shared has a tendency to radicalise, videos and pictures getting more and more hard core, the depicted practices often disturbing and bewildering. Finally the gender specifics seem to demand / imply a demeaning and degrading picture of “the female”, not speaking of their more or less consensual participation in these productions.
Pixelation is a thing that obsesses me. Maybe it is because I grew up with Commodore computers in the eighties. Actually I had a VC/VIC 20, that may be it since it had no real graphics capabilities. But there is a deeper meaning to it that fascinates me. It is, to me a profound metaphor for the state of our societies. We tend to structure and simplify everything to a point where the complexity and sharpness of living gets lost in compression.
The most interesting thing to humans is another human anyway and if we apply the above mentioned thesis or metaphor to the face of the other, well look and see for yourself…
Sometimes the lucky find still happens. As in this case, a porn glitched just in the right moment. I just pulled the contrasts a little, re-framed and sharpened slightly. I think this still qualifies as 2nd° glitch. This image, to me says a lot about the depiction of the female body / face in modern day Pornography. It is degrading and disturbing, deeply instinctive and bleak. In this it reflects the degrading and bleak vision most humans have for almost any other humans except maybe their friends and relatives.
From facebook on group FREE THE PIXELS!
Lissa White: I think erotic glltch lends itself to male sexual psychology because the woman’s once integral whole is split into sexual parts.
Enkidu rankX: You are absolutely true, yet… male sexuality needn’t be destructive an disruptive. This is a myth. Now why it has become that way is another discussion… I wonder if it has to do with the repression of the (fe)male aggression which was once necessary but now is disruptive in our societies… Because sexuality has a lot to do with (at best positive) aggression – then called passion. Women tend to act out this in a more self destructive fashion I believe. Men hurt others… Women themselves. But is is a valve for letting off survival and drive aggression I think. Also the world is hurting us so much by shear neglect, that we are angry yet the „system“ is anonymous and we cannot act out our frustration… so we use next of kin and virtual projections such as hard core porn.
There are a lot of (semi-) professional porn actresses that stretch the limit of what can be done physically. Amazing Ty comes to mind, Dirty Garden Girl and Hot Kinky Jo as well as Belladonna & Audrey Hollander, furthermore Sheila Stretch and Taylor Rain… One of the most extreme case of body modification certainly is Roxy Raye. I believe she started out with 3 to 4 (now famous) clips she did on the floor of her kitchen…
dealing in pornography art it was a question of time I had to deal with her. As I still try to be SFW in my porn art (because it is not the obvious sexual aspect that interests me but the sexual meta layer) this is quiet a shy version of her. But it is a 2nd° glitch. Just cropped and sharpened, curves adjusted.
Still I feel the need to add this: I do not judge neither the producers nor the consumers of this kind or any other kind of pornography. This is not my point. I am interested in how pornography in combination with digital media change our perspective on our body, mind and soul. The depiction of the human body is always a clear indicator on how we view our world (to my mind at least).
“Marilyn moments”; a lot of girls and women on porn channels and in streaming services perform them regularly, it is a kind of routine – I believe – that seems to work on many a man… That perfectly artificial mix of innocent candidness and sexual lust has fascinated and inspired countless artists. And so this is a double homage, this unknown Norma Jean portrayed by this unknown Warhola that is me
As a glitch / media artist I found contemporary video codecs to be a bliss and an endless reservoir for finding interesting / beautiful things, to me at least.
This anonymous cam girl has had a glitch peeling of the classical kind, with the initial (B) frame missing as a reference. So it (the background and non moving things in the picture) are filled with neutral grey whilst only the moving parts are visible. I always loved that effect.
She gazes at us, out of the abyss of unlimited data and infinite transmissions, begs the question: “do you want me”? Who is me, who is you, we are all anonymous animals, let loose beasts, monsters that linger in the realm of self devotion, pure ego – “do you want yourself” should be the proper question…

“TP (her_face_012)”, glitch 4th°, 4000×2777, 2017
Danis last porn movie
This is a sad story indeed. The flick from which the original screenshot was taken is a very brutal piece of pornography. The ‘actress’, Daniella Pratchet, did commit suicide the day after ‘performing’ in this one. I don’t have any numbers to support that claim, but I read once that the suicide rate among porn actresses is significantly higher than average, which would come as no surprise to me, giving the degrading nature of many of the productions.

“Dani (her_face_011)”, glitch 4th°, 4000×2958, 2016
Amber Rayne was a no limits girl / woman in all respects. In her short life she became a porn star (as actor, producer and director), a drug addict, a rape victim and a cancer survivor (of 2 types mind you). Born in 1984, she acted in 472 flicks and after finally making it to the big screen died 2015 of an accidental drug overdose through the consumption of a combination of cocaine and alcohol.