the scientists of pop

Mr. & Mrs.T: “BERLIN.elektronik vol. I-III”

the scientists of popMr. & Mrs.T was an “electronic duo” consisting of Enkidu rankX aka “Mrs T” & T. Flowers aka “Mr T“. The Band existed from 2001 until 2007. The main focus of the band’s concept was mixing songs and live video to produce a multimedia experience worth of it’s name. “The scientists of pop” as they called themselves ironically where supposed to have emerged from a failed genetic experiment on them when they where only children.  Since then they freed themselves from the lab where they where conceived and went underground to fight the promoters of “the bad sound”…


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Here you can listen to and download the albums “BERLIN.elektronik vol. I-III” for free! Enjoy…

BERLIN.elektronik vol. I

BERLIN.electronic.volI front cover BERLIN.electronic.volI back cover

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BERLIN.elektronik vol. II

BERLIN.electronic.volII front cover BERLIN.electronic.volII back cover

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BERLIN.elektronik vol. III

BERLIN.electronic.volIII front cover BERLIN.electronic.volIII back cover

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