Archiv der Kategorie: cooperation

Me and my buddies on bandcam

Since I am to lazy and arrogant and can’t be bothered at least promoting my own stuff i have to instrumentalise others to do it for me. And so it is up to the real nice and sympathetic people of this world (looking at you Klaus Killisch) to do it for me. I would have loved to be better, more motivated and less of a misanthrope, but as the great philosopher Michael Philip Jagger once said: „You can’t always get what you want“. Welp, at least someone had pity on me and put those thigs on bandcamp. I would argue that their stuff is worth it (mine not so much) but you form your own opinion.

„in​/​ebriate“ by phaenos. Cover design by Klaus Killisch

So go and take a listen: phaenos @ bandcamp

Do it for their sake, not mine, and you might find some things that please or disturb your ears. And you can even buy the stuff there.

MK_ultra on Crookit Dreams Episode 47

I have had the great honor of being invited to Crookit Dreams Episode 47 – Klangfarbe (DJ Richard Sylvarnes with Klaus Killisch)

As always a great pleasure to deal with those two… Such interesting music too. Listen to it and get an idea of what good music and interesting sounds there are around once you leave the realm of mind-numbing mainstream musac.

KaiSaR and kickin – electrorococo the Remise

KSR, the emperor of artist bands is alive and kickin‘ beats again. The regal music session was hosted by Klaus Killisch in his Studio Remise in Berlin… stay tune for musical results on this channel soon.

3 artists making music

Klaus Killisch, Enkidu rankX & Richard Sylvarnes @ Studio Remise Berlin (photo: Klaus Killisch)


Klaus Killisch: guitar & space
Richard Sylvarnes: textures and beats
Enkidu rankX: synthetics and rhythm

As part of KAISAR some of my (our) work was be shown in Brooklyn

video art by KAISAR and Enkidu rankX shown in Brooklyn

„Serbian Death Polka“ screening in Brooklyn 2016

Cat on a Cool Metal Cieling

Kilroy Metal Ceiling (facebook)
283 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn 11238
14th of July (how fitting for a semi French artist-e) 2016


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Exhibition „WERTE_GEMEINSCHAFT“ @ Galerie Schwartzsche Villa / Berlin

I am happy to invite you to my next exhibition / participation: „WERTE_GEMEINSCHAFT“ @ Galerie Schwartzsche Villa / Berlin, opening Tuesday 21st of March 2017

invitation to exhibition „WERTE_GEMEINSCHAFT“ in Berlin

Invitation / Einladung „Wertegemeinschaft“ [PDF]

Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung


am Dienstag, den 21. März 2017 um 19 Uhr
laden wir Sie und Ihre Freunde herzlich ein.


Frank Mückisch – Stadtrat für Bildung, Kultur, Sport und Soziales
Doris Fürstenberg – Leiterin des Fachbereichs Kultur


Jennifer Graubener – wissenschaftliche Volontärin der Schwartzschen Villa
Adam Gusowski, Club der Polnischen Versager – Satirische Anmerkungen zur Wertegemeinschaft

Galerie Schwartzsche Villa
Grunewaldstraße 55
12165 Berlin-Steglitz
Geöffnet 22. März bis 11. Juni 2017
Di-So 10-18 Uhr | Eintritt frei

Filmvorführung Dienstag, 16. Mai, 19 Uhr
„Beyond Boundaries – Brezmejno“
Der Regisseur Peter Zach ist anwesend.
Eintritt: 5 € (3 €)

Führungen Mittwoch, 29. März, 26. April und 17. Mai
jeweils 17 Uhr, Eintritt frei

Heike Franziska Bartsch | Sibylle Brühn | Ulrich Buge | Aenne Burghardt | Tobias Deicke | Ines Doleschal | Ola Eibl | Enkidu rankX | Karin Felbermayr | Nuria García García | Wolf Klein | Karoline Koeppel | Rachel Kohn | Kopi Kaputa | Regine Kuschke | Thomas Lucker | Christoph Medicus | Aaron Rahe | Ute Richter | Ingeborg Sambeth | Michi Schneider | Hans-Christian Tappe | Jürgen Tenz | Frans van Tartwijk | Maria Vill & David Mannstein | Insa Wagner | Horst Zeitler | Martin Zellerhoff | Juliane Zelwies

RAUSCH exhibition / documentation

RAUSCH was a great success and I am proud to present this video documentation of this wonderfully complex exhibition. Enjoy…


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With: Anke Becker, Ulrike Buhl, DAG, Thomas Draschan, Sabine Herrmann, Klaus Killisch, Jerry Kolwalsky, Susanne Schirdewahn

Sound-installation: Enkidu rankX und Klaus Killisch

Curated by Susanne Schirdewahn

@ Schau Fenster- Das Arty, Berlin (24. Feb -12. March 2017)

Noise & Sounds premiere in Berlin

I will be presenting new audio work

24.2.2017 – 20 Uhr

Enkidu rankX / Klaus Killisch

in/ebriate part I (Dionysus rising)
in/ebriate part II (Dionysus as victor)

eine Klanginstallation/Soundcollage

Einladung der Ausstellung RAUSCHRAUSCH: Mit Anke Becker, Ulrike Buhl, DAG, Thomas Draschan, Sabine Herrmann, Klaus Killisch, Jerry Kowalsky, Susanne Schirdewahn

Vom 24.2.2017 (Vernissage) – 12.3.2017

Der Rausch wird auch akustisch! Mit zwei Uraufführungen feinster Hörkultur!





My (our) work to be shown in Brooklyn | NYC

As part of KAISAR some of my (our) work will be shown in Brooklyn

Cat on a Cool Metal Cieling

Kilroy Metal Ceiling (facebook)
283 Greene Avenue, Brooklyn 11238
14th of July (how fitting for a semi French artist-e) 2016

"Cat on a Cool Metal Ceiling" Flyer

„Cat on a Cool Metal Ceiling“ Flyer

Kilroy Metal Ceiling is proud to host „Cat on a Cool Metal Cieling“, A night of many wonders organized by Bradley Eros. Weiterlesen

„inside/outside“ review on Film International

Film International did a review of one of my clips, let me share it with you:

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I am quiet touched by this, it nailed my intentions right to the spot… Thank you David Finkelstein and Film International for taking the time 😉

KAISAR „Serbian Death Polka“ (official music video clip)

Well friends, let me take you to the dark side of eastern Europe propaganda folk. This is KAISAR’s new music video clip called „Serbian Death Polka“.


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Speaking of found footage, this really is a find. An old (Serbian?) VHS tape, mixed together porn (the nasty kind of) and a Serbian nationalist propaganda music video, I did not hesitate a spilt second. The song praises Radovan Karadžic whom, let me remind you, is responsible for tens of thousands of barbaric killings – if you like (and have a good day) try googleling Srebrenica, it will ruin that day for good, so be warned.
The musical track is provided by an Serbian polkaganda trio of unknown identity or status (maybe the crowd can clear that up) and reworked by KAISAR who are:


MOMA & I – COOP / Official Music Video

Here is some Work I did with the MOMA. Their official music video „ALIVE“.


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It was quiet a ride, and it was fun, shooting on Friedrichstraße during Karneval der Kulturen yet nobody gave a damn… guess that’s why I still love Berlin. So much freedom and creative potential… So enjoy and share if you care.

You can find out more about MOMA here: