Archiv der Kategorie: ideas

“black float” by K|X – new music video clip

A retro-punk-glitch-art music video clip by Killisch and rankX


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black float

black float” is a collaboration, a back and forth between Berlin artists Klaus Killisch and Enkidu rankX.
Starting with a guitar track provided by Killisch, rankX built a beat around it, resampled and restructured it. Then this same process began anew. Killisch would play additional guitar on the track, X would resample and rearrange. Finally with the finished track in mind, K provided a painting / collage that in turn was the aesthetical basis for the video-clip. As opposed to the music, the visual art remained separate, more to be seen as both sides of a mirror.
The city of London was chose for a very particular reason, since K. K. as well as r.X draw a great deal of inspiration from pop music, more precisely the era of classic rock-pop-blues-funk-soul-electronic-avant-garde. So to honour this vibrant city and all the creative greatness it bestowed upon us, here is:

black float by K|X

"black float" by Klaus Killisch

“black float” by Klaus Killisch

painting | collage | guitar: Klaus Killisch
video-art | electronics: Enkidu rankX

“black float” features “Real-time Cycle Ride Through Central London” by Nick Lansley und CC-BY. Thanks for that perfect ride.
london landscape tv –

CC by-nc-sa 2016 |

New stuff on the Way – I hope

In light of the production of my new radio play, I have a collaborative call to action. Respond if you like…

Holy connection, look who’s hanging out…


“connect”, 1200x1200px, 2014

This is an homage of some sort to one of the most important contemporary artists there is: Banksy. I appreciate his impetus and his work and since there is no way of contacting him since nobody knows who he is, this is my feedback… I don’t know how to spray things but if you know how, go ahead, there is no copy-anything on this one.

discovering 4chan – at last (a net artists paradise)

You gonna laugh so hard at me but I just recently discovered 4chan. And it is a paradise for a net artists like me… So I went ahead and did this as a declaration of love to the hyper post-privacy dungeon that is 4chan. I think I am going to spend more time there, since Horus (i.e. the 12 year old mostly white and wealthy male tyrant) lives there and it is he who rules the world (according to some whose name where erased form the public board but not the meme bank).


“3x4chan – Horus pit 001” glicth 4th°, 2014

Living near Prenzlauer Berg here in Berlin – the chique part of that town – I can assure you it is true. Horus is rising and it is not a good thing, to my mind at least. But who cares, as long as he can be trapped so easily… He is after all just a child – a very powerful one though.

on pixel row

Pretty self explanatory…
Press esc [escape, the topmost button on the left of your keyboard] to exit

Classification of glitch (art) by Enkidu rankX

degree of glitch diagram

degree of glitch diagram

Proposal for a terminology; Classification of glitch (art):

  • 1st° (degree): found glitch, no derivation, no editing
  • 2nd°: found glitch, adapted, slightly edited or changed
  • 3rd°: induced glitch, no derivation, no editing
  • 4th°: induced glitch, adapted, heavily edited or changed
  • [5th° (maybe over the top): 4th grade re-glitched]

No value ore purity is associated to these degrees. No one is better than the other!

Berlin, 23.12.2013


Enkidu sez… pop art is a zombie

As Andy Warhol, the theoretician of pop art put it: “I just do art because I’m ugly and there’s nothing else for me to do.” I this tradition and also with a very structuralist attitude towards a New Aesthetics DaDa I proclaim:


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So: time to get filthy rich whilst doing nothing or the next best thing; enjoying ourselves…

two films a day: “Symbol_Wald” (2002)

Here you go… silence for days on end and then… well, don’t get used to it!


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“Symbol Wald” 2:55 min, DV, 2002

“Symbol Wald” is somewhat of a hermetic movie as it examines the dimension of symbols as complex basis for our understanding of the / our world. It has been influenced by the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein and rephrasing his famous expression as a question: “…where do the limits of my language determine the limits of my world…”. Complex and often ambiguous symbolic ideas as opposed to distinctly unambiguous quasi iconic ideas shape our consciousness and allows for language to describe the in-between it is so often denied access to with its simple and constructive logic. I have written a short essay on the matter, if you want you can further dwell in this intellectual concept here (the essay is in German)

The short is not a philosophical in itself though, instead it tries to reconcile the intellectual uncertainty mentioned above with the emotional uncertainty of our being in this world. There is a strange association I have with this emotional dilemma and the feeling I get being in the woods. Being torn between my French background (symbolized for me by the sea) and my German background (symbolized by the forest) I am equally divided between what you could call a more carnal and a more romantic view of the world that often times contradict each other. So it is with the two cultures I grew up in, the French and the German one. But the Forest has always evoked a very un-/protective feeling within me. I love being there as much as I fear it!

der Berliner Problembär

Gespart werden kann immer. Zur Not an der eigenen Substanz 😉

Bis auf die Knochen

bis auf die Knochen…“, Intervention, Tusche, 2012
entstanden anlässlich der Ausstellung “Zwischenspiel”

Berliner Bär 01  Berliner Bär 02

Als Problembär werden im deutschen Sprachraum Bären bezeichnet, die meist nicht artgerechte Verhaltensmuster aufweisen. Problembären sind regelmäßig nur eine indirekte Gefährdung für Menschen, produzieren durch ihr Verhalten aber oft erhebliche Schäden.” aus Wikipedia >>

Weitere Infos zur Ausstellung hier>>

Aufgrund eine freundlichen Spende durch / Irene Walz werden wir nun den Problembär einige Zeit länger artgerecht halten können. Vielen Dank hierfür… 😉

Fotos von Konstantin Preisigke & Christian Ulrich