Archiv der Kategorie: glitch

Kobane, Syria – glitch

The mass-media-magnifying-glass this week focusses on Kobane. A small town in northern Syria that is only relevant to it because it is visible from a safe distance / border (with Turkey).

"kobane_afp" glitch 4th°, 850x318px, 2014 - original photo AFP / Aris Messinis

„kobane_afp“ glitch 4th°, 850x318px, 2014 – original photo AFP / Aris Messinis

Hundreds of cities have been ravaged by fundamentalism in Syria and Iraq in these last months, no camera was present, newspapers & TV where slow to realize the tragedy that was going on. It was such a nice summer. But that’s how modern day mass media work. The need an iconic subject, a small world to exemplify and explain the big world to us…

„next_group“ – glitch art porn

Glitch art porn is SFW 😉 But beware, don’t get your hands dirty with the pixels…

next_group_Her_Face_005_sm - glitch art porn by Enkidu rankX

“next_group (her_face_005)”, glitch 4th°, 589x800px, 2014

Glitch art has been around for some time now, just think about Cage, Paik or even before that Dada in a sense. But with the advent of digital media, the glitch aesthetic has changed, absorbing new errors, failures and bugs. Now a distinct term in either electronic music, digital art, video art and even poetry, the glitch has arrived in main stream media for better or worse. There is a growing community sharing source materiel, techniques and know how, a new art form is emerging and it is vibrant.

Many cultural complexes have been altered permanently with the advent of digital technology but nothing parallels the rise of everyday pornography. Ubiquitous, it now is accessible to everyone at any time any place. The pornographic content that is shared has a tendency to radicalize, videos and pictures getting more and more hard core, the depicted practices often disturbing and bewildering. Finally the gender specifics seem to demand / imply a demeaning and degrading picture of “the female”, not speaking of their more or less consensual participation in these productions. This is what the series „her_face“ is about.

social media sexuality angst

The web 2.0 is so sexophobic it always makes me laugh so hard…


„digital_origine“ glitch 3rd°, 1024x846px, 2014
based on „L’Origine du monde“ by Gustave Coubet, oil on canvas, 46×55cm, 1866

I once founded a facebook group and used a miniature of Gustave Courbets’s „L’Origine du monde“ as a picture for it. It took fb just a day or two before they censored the image. Now being part of the beautiful „Glitch Porn“ group, there is a discussion going on, if we should post the source materiel which is NSFW by definition… This spawned my interest: could I do it again, this way and it would pass… well, we will see. Keep you updated.

But this picture has always been politically and socially explosive. Painted for a private cabinet, it was later acquired by the famous psychoanalyst Jaques Lacan who was it’s latest owner and kept it hidden behind a second painting. This cover-up painting was especially designed to represent the basic shapes and forms of the depicted ancestral womb but well disguised by a innocent landscape. It now can be found in Paris, in the Musée d’Orsay. I have never seen it myself…

„my dear heaven“ – glitch porn art

Heaven… I’m in heaven, And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak.
And I seem to find the happiness I seek, When we’re out together dancing cheek to cheek.

my_dear_heaven (her_face_002)

„my_dear_heaven (her_face_002)“, glitch 4th°, 800x1000px, 2014

“my_dear_heaven” is a part of my post privacy glitch porn art series “her_face”. Her face deals with the depiction of the female face or its omission for that matter in modern day web pornography. In this instance, the source material was actually a transvestite / transsexual / transgender male in beautiful agony. While seeing it, it reminded me about that song „cheek to cheek“ and it still does every time I see it.

53D1468B – post privacy just a few clicks away

Our dark nature is so often so well hidden, we tend to forget it or rather want to do so…


„53D1468B (her_face_004)“, glitch 4th°, 800x505px, 2014

„53D1468B“ is a part of my post privacy glitch art series „her_face“. Her face deals with the depiction of the female face or its omission for that matter in modern day web pornography. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t condemn either the participants nor the producers of the original material. It is a wide spread cliché that all (at least) female actresses are bound to or forced into porn against their will and suffer pain and degradation without consent. Truth of the matter is I cannot judge what happened here because I don’t know the circumstances under which it was filmed. But that is missing the point anyway.

post privacy art #7

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“before the fuck”, social glitch, 4000x3000px, 2012-2014

Sometimes, no need for glitching, society glitches all by itself. Some call this post privacy art…
“before the fuck” is an ongoing series of digital stills taken from porn sites and chat pages in that particular moment, when the user / actor leaves the room and us with that distinctive feeling of loneliness and bleak despair. It is a look inside the sadness and harshness of modern day sexuality when confronted with ‘the market’.

glitch_pano_BLN_210714 | summer glitch art

Summertime… where the glitch art is easy…

I love it when things go wrong. Just a little I guess. This hot city summer in Berlin is rewarding us with beautiful evenings and night skies. When trying to capture one (vain effort indeed) our newest toy, the Sony RX-100 (mark 1 mind you) did reward me with a shiny little fist degree glitch. And obviously it does not like the shallow depth of field it delivers… I liked how the little beast behaved though 😉


„glitch_pano_BLN_210714“, 3 Sony RX-100 panorama glitch collage (1st°), 8192x600px, 2014

post privacy art #6

“before the fuck”, social glitch, 4000x3000px, 2012-2014

Sometimes, no need for glitching, society glitches all by itself. Some call this post privacy art…
“before the fuck” is an ongoing series of digital stills taken from porn sites and chat pages in that particular moment, when the user / actor leaves the room and us with that distinctive feeling of loneliness and bleak despair. It is a look inside the sadness and harshness of modern day sexuality when confronted with ‘the market’.