What i’ve been up to – hint: my love of cinema(s)

OK, so I’ve been away for some time now. But i was busy writing, producing, directing and editing my passion project, so that’s that. And i has no English subs either (for now) so this is what you get (for now).


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This is the story of Germany’s oldest remaining family operated cinemas. Located in the south-west of a region called Saarland (Sarre), it has been in operation since 1919 and it was / is the movie theatre of my childhood (I grew up in that small village it is situated). Later when I studied cinema i went out into the world, first Brussels then Berlin, but I always left a tiny bit of my heart in that most magical of all places.

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This was the premiere of my documentary on the 100th anniversary of its first projection and just before the pandemic hit (them hard too). But Familie Müller kept going and pushed through these hard times like so many times before.

So if by any chance you get to Schmelz / Saar, go watch a movie in that wonderful place of flickering dreams and don’t forget to say hello for me.

Some local news: https://www.saarbruecker-zeitung.de/saarland/saarlouis/schmelz/im-kino-in-schmelz-wurde-ein-film-zum-100jaehrigen-jubilaeum-gedreht_aid-38027905